The majority of us can claim to have done some research on waste management procedures. However, it should unsurprising that, in spite of our best attempts, the harm has persisted, albeit at a slower rate than previously thought possible. The efficient management of garbage has advanced significantly, yet some major issues continue to intertwine and cause harm to the environment as a whole.
The negative consequences of inefficient waste disposal not only result in an unpleasant sight, but they also have a severe impact on a country’s total economy. The state must invest a significant amount of money to mitigate the consequences of incorrect waste management. Furthermore, animals that rely on the environment face a significant hazard as a result of oil spills and chemical leaching, which directly contribute to water and soil contamination. The burning of any dumped rubbish or plastic items results in pollution of the air and surrounding environment.
Despite the fact that we are all familiar with conventional waste management procedures such as landfills, incineration, recycle, biological processing, and energy conservation, we find ourselves living in a society that is overflowing with garbage.
Contamination Of The Soil
In an ideal world, all of our plastic, glass, metal, and paper waste would be recycled before being disposed of in a landfill. Then it returns to us in the form of a recyclable product. The reality, on the other hand, is rather different. Contamination happens as a result of the spilling and burying of dangerous substances in soil. As a result, we must exercise caution in the processing of petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, insecticides, heavy metals, and lead, among other substances.
Contamination Of Water
In addition to being an excellent solvent, water can contain a wide variety of dissolved compounds. Consequently, as it moves through the environment, it gathers up contaminants along the way. It frequently contains dissolved substances such as a variety of chemicals and gases.
It is very easy for rainwater to mix with poisonous liquid chemicals and penetrate into water streams, where it eventually ends up in surrounding water bodies. This means that the local fountain, pond, lake and perhaps even drink water taps could be in risk of being contaminated.
Extreme Weather Events As A Result Of Climate Change
First and foremost, damaging greenhouse gases are produced by the decomposition of trash. These rise to the surface of the earth and trap heat. Storms and typhoons are caused as a result of this, which is extremely detrimental to the environment.
Everything, including acid rain to violent hail storms to global warming, is up for debate at the moment, and with good reason. This also extends to other areas in terms of subdivisions, such as thermal & radioactive pollution, as well as other types of pollution.